Fuentes Bibliográficas

Beauchamp, G. & Parkinson, J. (2005). “Beyond the ‘wow’ factor: developing interactivity with the interactive whiteboard”. School Science Review, 86 (316), pp. 97-103. Disponible en: http://arrts.gtcni.org.uk/gtcni/bitstream/2428/49478/1/beyond+the+wow+factor.pdf (Acceso en 30/12/12).

Becta (2003). “What research says about interactive whiteboards”. Disponible en: http://smartboard-hat.wikispaces.com/file/view/wtrs_whiteboards.pdf (Acceso en 30/12/12).

Edith Manny-Ikan, Osnat Dagan, Tal Berger Tikochinski y Rachel Zorman. (2011) “Using the Interactive White Board in Teaching and Learning An Evaluation of the SMART CLASSROOM Pilot Project.”   Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (7), pp.  249-273 Disponible en: http://www.ijello.org/Volume7/IJELLOv7p249-273Manny-Ikan763.pdf  (Acceso en 30/12/12).

GLOVER, D. y MILLER, D. (2001). “Running with technology: the pedagogic impact of the large-scale introduction of interactive whiteboards in one secondary school”.Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education 10, 3, pp. 257-276.

Miller, D., D. Glover y D. Averis. “Developing pedagogic skills for the use of the interactive whiteboard in mathematics”, 2005,  British Educational Research Association, Glamor­gan. Disponible en: http://www.keele.ac.uk/media/keeleuniversity/fachumsocsci/sclpppp/education/interactivewhiteboard/BERA%20Paper%20Sep%202005.pdf  (Acceso en 30/12/12).

           Smith, H., S. Higgins, K. Wall y J. Miller (2005). “Interactive whiteboards: boon or bandwagon? A critical review of the literature”. Disponible en: http://edtech2.boisestate.edu/spechtp/551/IWB_Boon_Bandwagon.pdf  Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21, pp. 91-101. (Acceso en 30/12/12).

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